A decade ago Air Canada licensed Celine Dion's song "You and I" for their ads and for the boarding and deplaning (deboarding?) music. It has a soaring quality with the crescendo "you and I were meant to fly". She recorded a French version specifically so Air Canada could run it bilingually (as an officially bilingual airline). And of course she is Canadian. It not only worked really well but was such a great full integration.

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Lufthansa (https://youtu.be/DTFIuWfXTs8) and Singapore (https://youtu.be/J-R7y-WhF-o)both have bangers, but for my money: ETHIAD- https://youtu.be/G71kaqooAbk

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I have the Etihad music etched into my brain, as I used to work on the brand and flew them A LOT! too good. mysterious and great.

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