Love it. And clearly Mr. Papasadero knows his stuff. But I'd argue Bond is a lifestyle movie above all else. The hotels, restaurants, casinos etc. That's what sets the franchise apart. It's escapism, not techno-terrorism verisimilitude. With respect, the suggestions above sound more Bourne than Bond.

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Thank you so very much! I have been a Bond devotee since childhood. Now an old, angry liberal in a sea of blood red, I found your commentary on the future of the story meshed neatly with your astute observations about our current world situation. I have been wondering how our many vets feel about what is going on, and if we, merely ordinary citizens (retired teacher) can expect to see something we can participate in. I have already lost almost everything. My husband, my only human attachment remaining, and I are ready. But he was a truck driver, and I a teacher. We will not be German citizens in 1933! And stories, like "Bond. James Bond," help keep us from despair; despair gives the enemies a win. We also watch sumo, as we both have extensive time spent in the traditional Chinese arts, so we enjoy the spirit and the strategy of the fighters. Thank you for sharing a glimmer of hope, just with your commentary.

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