Excellent newsletter today. I did not have prior knowledge of the '50 newspaper' concept. For business I lived internationally for many years, in nations where I did not speak the native language initially. Many times I felt this odd calm and sense of relief that I didn't understand all the gossipy/entertainment news and it didn't matter because it wasn't real news. I would subscribe to a 5/10/25 year newspaper (not the 50, the next edition will be when I am 100...so might not read that one).

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Not only is so much of news reporting gossipy, 1/2 of it feels like speculation reporting, pieces written about what might happen if xyz were to transpire.

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*This* is why I adore the magazine, Delayed Gratification: https://www.slow-journalism.com/

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You’re the second one to mention it. I hadn’t heard of it but it looks awesome. Will have to subscribe.

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