I'm currently writing a 'we need to talk about skateboarding' post so discovering yours is perfectly on point 🔥

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Hey Noah, It's been about 20 years since we last spoke. I'm a strategist from the days when we were called planners and I ran Likemind in a few cities. I'm not sure how I stumbled across your Substack, but I'm glad I did. I still work in strategy but have also professionally trained dogs for a decade. I often use skateboarding as a metaphor for how people should approach socializing and training their pets. In essence, when you come across something in the wild, ask yourself, "what can I do with this?"... and make it happen. I often send people to YouTube to absorb the words of Rodney Mullen from his Poptech presentation on getting back up and to watch Jonny Giger's videos of his attempts of classic Rodney Mullen tricks. Skateboarding truly is a wonderful teacher of all sorts of life lessons.

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Hey Chris, great to hear from you! Glad you're doing well. Per your comment, maybe my favorite WITI of all time came from my friend Ben Dietz on exactly this topic: https://whyisthisinteresting.substack.com/p/why-is-this-interesting-the-skate

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