On F1, Athletes, and the memory palace
Lots of F1 drivers seem to learn the tracks nowadays through computer games. And then that reminded me of this thread https://twitter.com/irondavy/status/1397560005939720194?s=21 about using games as memory palaces.
I came across Lynne Kelly on Memory Palaces while listening to Sean Carroll's podcast - it's worth listening to https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2019/08/19/60-lynne-kelly-on-memory-palaces-ancient-and-modern/
Nice, thank you
Lots of F1 drivers seem to learn the tracks nowadays through computer games. And then that reminded me of this thread https://twitter.com/irondavy/status/1397560005939720194?s=21 about using games as memory palaces.
I came across Lynne Kelly on Memory Palaces while listening to Sean Carroll's podcast - it's worth listening to https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2019/08/19/60-lynne-kelly-on-memory-palaces-ancient-and-modern/
Nice, thank you